Yes, it is the last Sunday of 2009, and the Sunday Salon will probably be full of year-end reflections. Since I've been stuck on the same book for the past two weeks (Rapture Ready!: Adventures in the Parallel Universe of Christian Pop Culture), I don't have much to write about. I might as well join the throng and do a year-end wrap-up :-).
Books read in 2009: 93
How many were audiobooks?: 17
How many were cookbooks?: 5
How many were part of a series?: 39
How many were graphic novels?: 10
--My TBR list was at 119 titles this time last year. Right now I have 96 titles on my list. That is a far cry from my goal of 50, but at least the actual titles have changed over the year.
--I must have been in the mood for pretty pictures during the first quarter because 8 of the 10 graphic novels I read were read between January and March.
--My love of TV seems to be spilling over into my reading. Almost half of the books I read this year were part of a series. I like stories and situations that stretch out over more than one book.
--I only abandoned 11 books this year. I'm not sure whether that is good or not, because I have a bad habit of sticking with books even if I'm not enjoying them. There are several more books that I probably should have abandoned rather than taking a month to slog through them. However, there are a few books on the abandoned list that are there not because they were bad, but because I wasn't in the right frame of mind to enjoy them. I put them on the list so I could remember them and check them out another time.
I don't set many goals for my reading because it is a hobby. However, there are about 25 books that have been on my TBR list for over a year. If you take a look at my book montage in the sidebar, you'll see some of the titles. I'd like to read or eliminate anything that has been on my list since 2008.
Another bit of housekeeping I'd like to do involves my TBR "bench". I don't talk about it much but I have two other lists besides my official TBR list. One is a "not at my library" shelf on Goodreads. The other is Wowbrary list of books that are coming soon to my library's collection. I need to compare the two so I can update my official TBR list. Don't be surprised if you see my list total jump in the next few weeks!
I wonder how many books I abandoned this year...lots and lots! Maybe a hundred!
I'm in the process of cleaning off my shelves. Wish I knew what to do with all these ARCs!
You had a great year. Happy new year.
93 books is still a lot of books. I continue to be impressed by your organization of your TBR list. I have a list, several, and they overlap in sloppy ways.
Lisa, my list wouldn't be that organized if I hadn't clicked so well with Goodreads. Trust me, I'm not that orderly in other areas of my life! Before that site existed, I checked out books as I heard about them without making a list. Checking out library books is much more orderly now. I check out roughly the same amount of books instead of a large pile in the weeks I'd heard about a lot of books and a small pile in the weeks that I didn't read any book blogs.
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