04 September 2009

"The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real" by Neta Jackson

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real (Yada Yada Prayer Group, Book 3) The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real by Neta Jackson

Genre: Christian fiction
On my TBR list?: No

Book 3 of 7

In this installment of the Yada Yada Prayer Group series, our narrator Jodi Baxter is dealing with new aspects of the problems that plagued her in the first two books. These include her dislike for prayer group member Stu, her struggle to forgive the woman who invaded her house, and the fallout from her car accident. There are also several celebrations that keep the story from being a downer.

I've read several comments online from people who say they can't make it through the entire series because they find Jodi whiny and that it never lets up. I suppose your temperament will determine if you find her this way. I can identify with Jodi's ever-present inner dialogue because I also have a little voice in my brain that comments on everything and expresses my doubts and fears all day long. If you don't have that, then you may be one of those readers who find Jodi annoying. Others may find the story of how Jodi works to overcome those fears helpful, especially since everything isn't magically wrapped up in one book.

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