03 September 2009

"Sue Barton, Student Nurse" by Helen Dore Boylston

Sue Barton, Student Nurse Sue Barton, Student Nurse by Helen Dore Boylston

Genre: Fiction
On my TBR list?: Yes

Book #1 of a series (7 books in all)

The title character Sue Barton is the daughter of a doctor who decides that she wants to go to nursing school. This book, the first of a series, is an account of her probationary period. It is a classic college story, but it doesn't have a romance in it. I've read that Sue does find love later in the series, but in this book it is all work.

The dialogue in this book was a pleasant surprise. Although the passages concerning how Sue felt about the hospital bordered on sappy, the dialogue between Sue and her friends reminded of witty 1930s comedies. These snappy exchanges kept the book from reading as too goody-goody.

Some of the plot twists may seem old hat, like the stern teacher who turns out to be nice. However, if you remember that the book was published in 1936 when story lines like this were new, then they are easier to swallow. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

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