06 September 2009

Sunday Salon: More on Reviewing Every Book

Today I want to revisit the topic of reviewing every book. Last week I mentioned that I have trouble reviewing light books because there isn't much to say other than whether I enjoyed the book or not. However, I also have trouble from time to time reviewing the meatier books.

If a book has many intriguing topics or conflicts to explore, I end up wanting to discuss them in my post. Looking around the book blogosphere, I've noticed that most book blogs are spoiler-free so I'm guessing that an in-depth post like that wouldn't be kosher. My answer to that problem when I read Main Street was to post a general review on this blog and then post a more in-depth analysis of my impressions on my personal blog.

What do you do if you really want to discuss the particulars of a book and you don't belong to a book club?

READ: Last week, I read Sue Barton, Student Nurse and Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Real. Both of them are series books and I know that if I had the rest of the series on hand, my "books read" total for this past week would have been higher than two!

CURRENTLY READING: That would be nothing. I'm still in the mood to read light novels (remember, I read in clusters) and all I have on hand are stodgy non-fiction books. The library is closed for Labor Day. Since Monday is the only day I can pick up books, I won't have anything new until 14 Sep. I may have to resort to reading one of the kids' books.

TBR LIST: Here's the rundown of last week's activity--

Read 1 book (Sue Barton, Student Nurse)
Removed 1 book (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance)
Abandoned 2 books (Working and Born Digital)
Added 2 books (Woolbur and The Book of Jane)

The list currently stands at 102 titles. This week the list may grow as I hear about new books without being able to read any. I'm hoping that the week I will be spending on a cruise ship at the end of the month will help me make a big dent!


Frances said...

I think a lot of people face the same question you pose here. Just put a spoiler alert in the post. People that have read the book can chime in and supply that needed conversation, and those that don't want to know the full details yet can stop reading. You are such a considerate blogger to wonder! Happy reading!

Lisa said...

I actually have a whole separate blog where I post spoiler posts. I'll post a regular review and then send people there to talk about it. Since it isn't a nice linear blog, you wouldn't go there without wanting to discuss.

I always forget you don't have tons of books on hand. I admit I have too many, but I wouldn't know what to do without a ton of choices.