28 March 2010

Sunday Salon: Through the Literary Wilderness

I'm back again, after skipping two Sundays of the Salon. As much as I enjoy writing these posts, it seems a waste to write one during the weeks when I am struggling through books I don't particularly enjoy. The past couple weeks fall into that category.

First, I had to dig my way through Life of Pi to satisfy my commitment to my 1001 Books pal, Maestra. I did not like it but I'm glad that I can check it off my list. My picks off the list haven't all been winners, so I harbor no resentment toward Maestra for picking it!

Next, I read The Fate of Katherine Carr (my own thoughts to come later this week). One of my real-life acquaintances recently joined Goodreads and I found it on his list. Strangely, we both started reading it at the same time without telling each other. I was ready to ditch it, but once I found out that he was reading it I stuck with it.

Are you seeing a pattern here? I feel compelled to finish books that people in my daily life are reading, even if I'm not enjoying the book. Perhaps it is because most of my circle doesn't read. When I find someone who does, I jump headlong into reading something in their favorite genre even if it isn't to my taste just so I can discuss the book later.

UP NEXT: Casting Spells is one of the books that has been on my TBR list for a long time, and I am looking forward to finally reading it. I'm hoping that it will be along the lines of the Sookie Stackhouse books -- a country town with a hidden paranormal life. I could use a fun frolic after the slog I've taken through more literary tomes this month!


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Not me. I give up on anything I don't like.

I'm hosting a giveaway on my Sunday Salon post today. I plan to give away two $10 gift cards to Amazon on Easter Sunday. I hope you will stop by and sign up!

Dani In NC said...

Thank you, Spreadsheet Guy! I was just about to check your page to see if the new spreadsheet was available when you commented on my blog!