31 January 2010

Sunday Salon: Still Adjusting to New Specs

As I mentioned in my last Sunday Salon post, I've been overdue for new spectacles. Well, I got my first pair of bifocals a week ago and I am still trying to get used to them. Wearing bifocals requires a change in the way I read. I'm not accustomed to looking through the very bottom of my lenses, so I end up making weird faces when I try to read a book. Also, when I put my glasses on first thing in the morning I seem to focus on the blurry section where the two different prescriptions meet, so it takes a few seconds to remember that these are not my old glasses. However, I am glad to have that bottom section when I am trying to read the small print on a pill bottle!

So what has my reading week been like? Well, I am still working my way through the Sookie Stackhouse series; I finished All Together Dead yesterday. There are other books in my bedside stack, but you know me with a series. I like to read it straight through if possible. This means my blog will be rather dull until I finish the next two books.

What will my upcoming reading week be like? Besides my time spent with the vampires of Louisiana, I want to do some clean-up on my book lists. This is the week that I plan to compare my list of books that will soon be added to my local library's collection to my Goodread not-at-my-library list. There is a delay between when the library announces that they will be adding a book to their collection and when it is actually available for circulation. I've been making that list for a while and I'm sure that some of the first books must be available by now and can be added to my TBR list now.


JoAnn said...

I got my first pair of bifocals (no line ones) when I was only 38. What can I say, I have old eyes!

I got great advice from the old-fashioned optometrist who made them for me....he told me to point my nose at what I wanted to look at or read. That advice was the best I ever received about the glasses.

Kristen said...

I dread the day when I need bifocals. I'm alrady blind as a bat and don't need more eye failures. ;-)