I am back in NC after a week-long vacation, and it was a bestseller in more ways than one. For a start, the cruise shop was completely sold out so there were a lot more people than there were on our last two cruises. Among all those passengers, there were a lot of readers. I saw books everywhere. Which one did I see the most?
Yes, I saw Dan Brown's latest bestseller The Lost Symbol everywhere. Following at a close second were books by Janet Evanovich, although not her latest ones.
The fact that I saw anyone reading at all was a change. Last year I felt like the odd woman out with a book in my hand. This year even my husband, who isn't much of a reader, sat in a lounge chair and caught up on back copies of his favorite magazine Men's Health. Perhaps there was more reading because we took a longer cruise this time. I know that in our group, we felt free to sit and do nothing for a few hours between activities because we had plenty of time.
TBR LIST: I currently have 96 titles on my list. I eliminated three titles by James Lileks after discovering that I didn't like his writing style. On vacation I started
The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: Adventures in the World of Chinese Food and hope to get it reviewed this week. After that, I expect that my reading time will be cut drastically since I start my new job on 01 Oct. My original goal was to get below 50 by the end of the year, but I think I'll be lucky to get below 80 unless I totally cut out TV watching -- and that's not gonna happen!
I love seeing which books fellow travelers are reading! There always seems to be a few surprises among their choices. In the airport a few weeks ago, the book I saw most frequently was Mr. Darcy, Vampyre!
Alas, to be below 100! I'm still just above 300. Yikes.
Happy TBR battling to you!
Kelly from yannabe.com
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