07 December 2009

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Decked Out by Neta Jackson

Genre: Christian fiction
On my TBR list? Yes

Book 7 of 7

I read this final book in the Yada Yada Prayer Group series only because I have trouble dropping a series in the middle. The book wasn't bad, but it wasn't really necessary since there weren't any unfinished plot lines. This installment felt like a reunion special with the cast of your favorite childhood show; you want to spend more time with your favorite characters, but it isn't the best writing of the series.

The reunion vibe was especially strong in the beginning of the book. In the other books, only a month or so had elapsed between the end of the action in one book and the start of the next book. This last book jumps ahead a couple years, and not in the most graceful manner. I kept thinking that I had accidentally skipped a book because one of the 16-year-old characters was suddenly in college, among other changes.

Ultimately, this is a book for people who are already in love with the series and its characters. Unlike the other books, there is no real suspense or danger in the story. If you are able to quit in the middle of a series and dropped this one around book four, then this final volume is not a reason to jump back in.

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