It has taken a couple of weeks, but I think I am finally settling in to my new routine as a working mom. I've created new schedules for chores and adjusted my bedtime. My days are fuller, but I think I can squeeze reading in again.
FINISHED: I finally completed The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: Adventures in the World of Chinese Food. After I finished, I read some reviews on Goodreads and found that other people had trouble getting through the last few chapters, so I don't feel so bad. My next book, The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Tough, was a breeze to finish by comparison. It is a series novel and it took me only a day and a half. Being familiar with the characters enabled me to skim through those sections where the author brings a new author up to speed.
TBR LIST: My list currently has a total of 112 titles on it. I did say that I would try to avoid adding new titles, but I'm in the middle of three series right now (Yada Yada Prayer Group, Sookie Stackhouse, and the vintage pulp Sue Barton nurse series) and I decided I should add the remaining titles to the list since I will definitely be reading them. I have several books from my list on hand and I am in a reading mode, so I expect to see my total go back down quickly.
UP NEXT: I'm not sure what I want to read next. There are four books from my TBR list at hand --
The first two are series books that I know I will zip through, but I'm not sure if I want to read them first. I'm still working my way through the B90X challenge, so I thought I might read Good Book next to stay in that same vein. Untangling My Chopsticks has a melancholy aura jumping off of it, and I'm not sure I'm in the mood for that right now. I guess you will find out next week what I chose!
Also had trouble with The Fortune Cookie Chronicles. Kept thinking that it could have been so much more than what it devolved into by end. I just lost interest but still managed to finish. Maybe that lovely tbr stack will yield something more interesting for you. Happy reading!
Oh Living Dead in Dallas was great.. It was one of my favorites out of the series. :)
I haven't read any of the others. :-/
Well-Read Reviews
The Sookie Stackhouse books look like fun!
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