16 August 2009

Sunday Salon: Reading in Threes

Today's Salon entry will be short because, frankly, I want to get back to commenting on your blogs and then reading the stack of books that is threatening to fall off of my bedside table!

Even though I don't read a lot of series, I indulge in series-like reading behavior. I discovered that I have trouble jumping immediately from one style of novel to another. For instance, when I finished reading Life As We Knew It, I didn't pick up my next novel for five days. It took me that long to shake the story out of my head so I could give the next book a fair chance. If both books had been romance novels or mysteries, then it wouldn't have taken that long. I think that's why I try to read books in sets of three. By the time I've read the third book, I'm usually ready for a change of pace. Lori Wick's series were great for that because each town she created only had three or four books to go with it.

So what is my latest set of three? Well, I'm back to my old standby of food-related books. Last week I read Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder (review here) and A la Carte (review here). Both of them are in the "novel plus" category -- novels that have recipes or patterns between the chapters, in this case recipes. To keep the foodie vibe going, I'm starting a chef's memoir called Out of the Frying Pan: A Chef's Memoir of Hot Kitchens, Single Motherhood, and the Family Meal. I'm pretty sure I'll be ready to move on to a few romances after this.

TBR List: I read two books from my TBR list this week. The list is currently at 103 titles. I've toyed with the idea of not adding any more books until the end of the year, but that would defeat the purpose. The reason I started my list at Goodreads was so I could keep a record of those books I hear about on other blogs that I want to read later. My original goal was to reduce the list, but if I still have 100 books at the end of the year and it is 100 different titles than I started with, then I'll be fine with that.


Kristen said...

Interesting that you read in clusters of a sort. I think I tend to also.

bethany (dreadlock girl) said...

I think I read in clusters too. Mostly international clusters, books about India, then Italy...I think it is good, you grasp a more rounded picture that way!

Happy Sunday Salon, thanks for visiting my blog!

kay - Infinite Shelf said...

That's interesting! I like to know how other people read!
I usually alternate the genres of book, from chicklit to urban fantasy to nonfiction to YA drama, etc. Unless it's a series, then I might read the books in a row. But my reading depends a lot on my mood, too!

Kelly @ IdealistMom.com said...

Very interesting that you discovered this tendency in yourself! I'm like Kay...I tend to switch between genres, like fiction to nonfiction, YA to adult lit, etc. Kelly from http://yannabe.com

Eva said...

I love the cluster reading idea! Sometimes I definitely cluster, whereas other times my reading feels completely random.