19 July 2009

Sunday Salon: More Addition than Subtraction

The Sunday Salon.com

If I don't stop adding books to my TBR list, I won't get very far with my goal to pare it down by the end of the year. Last week, I read one book from the list but I added nine more! That's what happens when I spend an afternoon reading book blogs.

This week I hope to move in a more positive direction. I have three books from my TBR list on my bedside table:

Out of the Frying Pan: A Chef's Memoir of Hot Kitchens, Single Motherhood, and the Family Meal The Yada Yada Prayer Group A la Carte

Back to the book blogs: I found a blogger whose entries are a perfect example of how I would like to write about books. The blog is called YAnnabe and it is written by an aspiring YA author named Kelly. The tone of the blog is light and conversational, which is what I am aiming for. Instead of doing a scholarly formal review, Kelly tells you why she picked the book and what she felt about it. She also does posts about books she quit reading and explains why she gave up on them. If you like YA books, check out this blog!


Bernadette said...

I can relate to your TBR problem as you saw. I keep hoping this swine flu that everyone's talking about turns really nasty and I am forced to quarantine myself at home for a month.

Dani In NC said...

LOL! I know what you mean. In my case, I am too easily distracted by the internet and TV. I get the most reading done when my cable service is out!