24 July 2009

Changing Templates is a Bear

One of my readers let me know that my blog was difficult to read with the tiny brown-on-beige text. With my lack of programming skills, I couldn't fix the existing template so I went searching for a new one. Trying to find a template that is free, yet doesn't look like every other blog on the block is no easy task. After wasting an afternoon searching, I decided to go with one of Blogger's standards. Hopefully my reviews will be so sparkling that you won't notice the drab surroundings!


Beth F said...

I would go for easy on my readers' eyes over fancy any day. But I like the clean look of this template.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dani, what a difference. I'm reading this on my netbook, and it is much, much easier to read. And I also like the clean layout.

Dani In NC said...

Thanks, Michael and Beth! I think I may go perform a little shake-up on my other blogs, too. With so many colorful blog widgets to choose from these days, I'm not sure that a fancy blog template is even necessary any more.