16 November 2008

Sunday Salon: Life Without Cable

My household has been without cable service since Tuesday. In our case, that means no TV, no internet, and no telephone. Three of us have mobile phones, so the loss of the house phone isn't dire. However, you should have witnessed the wailing and gnashing of teeth when the kids found out that we didn't have TV or internet!

I was determined to set a good example by not letting the B-word (bored) pass my lips. Among other activities, I read until my eyes were bleary. Between Wednesday and Friday, I started and finished Garlic and Sapphires and On Beauty. I also wrote a review of On Beauty that I will post later for the New Classics Challenge. That may not seem like a lot to many of you, but that is a big jump from reading a few books a year.

To give my eyes a rest, I attempted to listen to the BBC audio dramatization of Philip Pullman's Northern Lights. That didn't go so well. I felt like I was jumping into the middle of the story. It was as if they were presenting the audio play for people who had already read the book and wanted to hear their favorite characters brought to life. I guess I'll have to check out the print version, at least to get me started.

As for the kids, M finished The Graveyard Book and started back on Good Omens. I think she is going to stay on this Neil Gaiman kick until she reads everything our library has available by him. C1 picked up Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City off the library stack. I checked that book out for my reluctant reader C2, but her twin is devouring it. She told me yesterday that I shouldn't have given her that book because she is picking up tips on how to be sneaky. DJ, after he finished pouting about the lack of TV, chose to read 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents. I'm starting to think I better watch my back around here :-).


KyleeJ said...
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KyleeJ said...

I think you might need to start watching your back, too. Sounds like they might be trying to gang up on you...

{I deleted my previous comment due to early morning typos.)

Lee Wardlaw said...

Have no fear! Despite its title, my novel 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents is actually very pro-parent. :)

Dani In NC said...

Lee, that's good to know. I don't think I need my kids plotting against me right now :-).