10 February 2008

Books in progress

I've been working my way through several books lately. I am unemployed again, and I am trying to make good use of this free time. When I finally find a job and go back to work, I don't want to regret the time that I've wasted. It helps that my laptop is still out of commission and the TV writers haven't settled their strike yet. With fewer distractions, I've added these books to my bedside table:

The One-Year Bible for Kids: I've strayed from my Bible reading for over a year now and I am feeling the effects. Consistent Bible reading keeps me connected to my spirituality and improves my attitude and my relationships with others, but for some reason I go through rebellious spurts where I don't read. Picking up a children's devotional like this one is a good way to ease myself back into Bible study. It is aimed at ages 8-12 so it is simple to grasp without being too childish.

I Don't Know How She Does It: I'm not sure if I am going to finish this book. It feels very dated to me. The whole story of how difficult it is to be a working mom with a high-powered career sounds like something I would have read in the late 1980s, but this book was published in 2002. I also can't relate to it because I have never been one of those moms who is working to feel more fulfilled, and neither are any of the moms I know. I work because our society has turned into one where most families can't get by on one income. So I have trouble feeling sorry for someone who is cries over not spending enough time with her kids but doesn't feel fulfilled enough when she does. There are too many other books in my stack to spend any more time with this one.

Shakespeare: The World as Stage: This book is part of the Eminent Lives series, which is described as "great writers on great figures, short biographies perfect for an age short on time". This particular biography of Shakespeare by Bill Bryson is described as vivid and witty. I haven't felt that yet myself, but I am pressing forward. I picked this book so that I could write a book review for Helium. I joined Helium almost a year ago but haven't been able to write anything for them yet because all the available titles were out of my range. I thought this book review might be something that I could handle. We shall see.

Hopefully, next Sunday I will have a fresh list of books to show you!

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